Факултет педагошких наука

ФАКУЛТЕТ ПЕДАГОШКИХ НАУКА УНИВЕРЗИТЕТА У КРАГУЈЕВЦУ, ЈАГОДИНА Милана Мијалковића 14, 35000 Јагодина, Тел/Факс: +381 (0)35 8223-805, Тел: +381 (0)35 8222-262

The course catalogue for Erasmus plus students 2019/2020

Правилник о реализацији и процедурама признавања мобилности студената и ЕСП бодова
Guide for incoming Erasmus students

The course catalogue for academic year 2019/2020.


List of abbreviations:
UAS    Undergraduate academic studies
IAS      Integrated academic studies
MAS   Master academic studies
WS      Winter semester
SS       Summer semester


No. Course name Level of studies Study program Semester No. of ECTS Teacher in charge Subject code
1.      Mathematical creativity and giftedness UAS Class Teacher Education SS 5 Aleksandra Mihajlovic, PhD, associate professor 011
2.      Methodology of teaching Mathematics (lower primary) UAS Class Teacher Education WS and SS 5 Aleksandra Mihajlovic, PhD, associate professor 011
3.      Contemporary family and school education UAS Class Teacher Education SS 5 Nenad Stevanovic, PhD, assistant professor; 011
4.      Basic motor skills UAS Class Teacher Education WS or SS 5 Aleksandar Ignjatovic, PhD, associate professor 011
5.      Creative activities in teaching English to young learners UAS Class Teacher Education WS or SS 5 Ivana Cirkovic Miladinovic, PhD, assistant professor 011
6.      Integrating the four language skills in the teaching of English as a foreign language UAS Class Teacher Education WS or SS 5 Ivana Cirkovic Miladinovic, PhD, assistant professor 011
7.      Vocal and instrumental teaching 1 UAS Class Teacher Education WS and SS 5 Jelena Grkic Ginic, assistant professor 011
8.      Methodology practicum of teaching Music culture UAS Class Teacher Education WS and SS 6 Natasa Vukicevic, assistant professor 011
9.      Methodology of teaching Music in primary school UAS Class Teacher Education SS 4 Natasa Vukicevic, assistant professor 011
10.    Introduction into methodology of teaching English as a foreign language UAS Class Teacher Education WS 5 Vera Savic, PhD, assistant professor 011
11.    Methodology of teaching English to young learners UAS Class Teacher Education WS 5 Vera Savic, PhD,assistant professor 011
12.    Methodology practicum of teaching English to young learners UAS Class Teacher Education WS 5 Vera Savic, PhD,assistant professor 011
13.    English for specific purposes UAS Class Teacher Education WS 3 Vera Savic, PhD,assistant professor 011
14.    Teaching practice in Mathematics UAS Class Teacher Education WS and SS 7 Nenad Vulovic, PhD, associate professor 011
15.    Intercultural education UAS Class Teacher Education; Preschool teacher Education; Boarding School Teacher Education SS 5 Jelena Starcevic, PhD, associate professor 011
16.    Elementary games UAS Preschool Teacher Education WS 5 Aleksandar Ignjatovic, PhD, associate professor 011
17.    Vocal and instrumental teaching 1 UAS Preschool Teacher Education WS and SS 5 Jelena Grkic Ginic, assistant professor 011
18.    Integrierte Sprachfertigkeiten 1 (B2/C1) UAS Class Teacher Education WS 5 Marija Stanojevic Veselinovic, PhD, lecturer 011
19.    Contemporary family education UAS Preschool teacher Education; Boarding School Teacher Education SS 4 Nenad Stevanovic, PhD, assistant professor 011
20.    Corrective gymnastics UAS Preschool teacher Education; Boarding school teacher Education SS 5 Aleksandar Ignjatovic, PhD, associate professor 011
21.    Physical and health education UAS Class Teacher Education; Boarding school Education SS 3 Aleksandar Ignjatovic, PhD, associate professor 011
22.    Introduction to education theory UAS Class Teacher Education; Preschool teacher Education; Boarding school teacher Education SS 5 Nenad Stevanovic, PhD, assistant professor 011
23.    Sports and recreation activity UAS Class Teacher Education; Preschool teacher Education; Boarding school teacher Education WS 5 Aleksandar Ignjatovic, PhD, associate professor 011
24.    Integrierte Sprachfertigkeiten 2 (C1) UAS Class Teacher Education SS 5 Marija Stanojevic Veselinovic, PhD, assistant professor 011
25.    Inclusive education UAS Class Teacher Education; Preschool teacher Education; Boarding school teacher Education WS 4 Suncica Macura, PhD, full professor 011
26.    Informatics UAS Class Teacher Education; Preschool teacher Education; Boarding school teacher Education WS 3 Danimir Mandic, PhD, full professor;
Verica Milutinovic, PhD, assistant professor;
27.    Methodic of ICT education UAS Class Teacher Education; Preschool teacher Education; Boarding school teacher Education SS 3 Danimir Mandic, PhD, full professor;
Verica Milutinovic, PhD, assistant professor;
28.    Functional styles of Serbian language UAS Class Teacher Education WS or SS 5 Ilijana Cutura, PhD, full professor 011
29.    Einführung in die Methodik des Deutschunterrichts UAS Class Teacher Education WS 5 Marija Stanojevic Veselinovic, PhD, assistant professor 011
30.    Methodik des Deutschunterrichts für Primarstufe UAS Class Teacher Education WS 5 Marija Stanojevic Veselinovic, PhD, assistant professor 011
31.    Metodisches Praktikum des Deutschunterrichts UAS Class Teacher Education SS 5 Marija Stanojevic Veselinovic, PhD, assistant professor 011
32.    Kreative Unterrichtsaktivitäten im Deutschunterricht für Primarstufe UAS Class Teacher Education WS 5 Marija Stanojevic Veselinovic, PhD, assistant professor 011
33.    Fremdsprache (Deutsch) UAS Class Teacher Education; Preschool teacher Education; Boarding school teacher Education WS and SS 5 Marija Stanojevic Veselinovic, PhD, assistant professor 011
34.    Deutsch als Fachsprache UAS Class Teacher Education; Preschool teacher Education; Boarding school teacher Education SS 4 Marija Stanojevic Veselinovic, PhD,  assistant professor 011


35.    Ecology UAS Class Teacher Education; Preschool teacher Education WS or SS 6 Jelena M. Mladenović, PhD, Assistant Professor 011
36.    Development of scientific literacy in the primary school teaching UAS Class Teacher Education WS 5 Jelena M. Mladenović, PhD, Assistant Professor 011
37.    Research activities in integrative teaching UAS Class Teacher Education WS 6 Jelena M. Mladenović, PhD, Assistant Professor 011
38.    Creating didactic materials UAS Class Teacher Education WS or SS 6 Olivera Cekić-Jovanović, PhD,

associate professor

39.    Methodical practicum MAS Subject Teacher Education WS 5 Olivera Cekić-Jovanović, PhD,

associate professor

40.    Emerging technologies in education MAS Class Teacher Education; Preschool teacher Education; Boarding school teacher Education WS 5 Danimir Mandic, PhD, full professor;
Verica Milutinovic, PhD, assistant professor;
41.    Scientific English Language Discourse for Teachers MAS Class Teacher Education; Preschool teacher Education; Boarding school teacher Education WS 5 Vera Savic, PhD, assistant professor 011
42.    Teamwork in inclusive education MAS Class Teacher Education; Preschool teacher Education; Boarding school teacher Education WS 6 Suncica Macura, PhD, full professor 011
43.    Contemporary approaches in Mathematics teaching MAS Class Teacher Education SS 5 Aleksandra Mihajlovic, PhD, associate professor 011
44.    Stylistics MAS Class Teacher Education WS 6 Ilijana Cutura, PhD, full professor 011
45.    Integrative English Language Teaching MAS Class Teacher Education; Preschool teacher Education; Boarding school teacher Education; Leadership in education; Subject Teacher Education; SS 6 Vera Savic, PhD, assistant professor 011
46.    Education policies and leading change MAS Leadership in Education SS 6 Jelena Teodorovic, PhD, associate professor 011
47.    Educational systems in comparative perspective MAS Leadership in Education SS 6 Jelena Teodorovic, PhD, associate professor 011
48.    Leading educational institutions MAS Leadership in Education WS 6 Jelena Teodorovic, PhD, associate professor 011
49.    Introduction to leadership in education MAS Leadership in Education WS 6 Jelena Teodorovic, PhD, associate professor 011
50.    Wissenschaftlicher Diskurs der deutschen Sprache MAS Class Teacher Education; Preschool teacher Education; Boarding school teacher Education WS 5 Marija Stanojevic Veselinovic, PhD, assistant professor 011
51.    Practice research in education MAS Class Teacher Education; Preschool teacher Education; Boarding school teacher Education; Leadership in education; Subject Teacher Education; SS 6 Ilijana Cutura, full professor, PhD 011


Additional language course  (No ECTS are provided)
No. Course name Level of studies Study program Semester No. of ECTS Teacher in charge Subject code
1. Serbian as Foreign Language UAS and MAS not applicable WS or SS not applicable Jelena Spasic, assistant professor 011


Grading system
Grade Number of points Description
10 91-100 Excellent
9 81-90 Exceptionally good
8 71-80 Very good
7 61-70 Good
6 51-60 Passing
5 ≤50 Failing