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Proceedings of the Training Conference History of Mathematics in Mathematics Education

Proceedings of the Training Conference History of Mathematics in Mathematics Education
Aleksandar Milenković, Branislav Popović, Slađana Dimitrijević and Nenad Stojanović, Binomial coefficients and their visualization
Aleksandra Mihajlović and Milan Milikić, Fangcheng method as a tool for developing pre-algebra concepts in primary grade students
Bojan Lazić and Sanja M. Maričić, History of mathematics as a factor
Karmelita Pjanić, Abu’l-Wafa problem – possible tool for fostering subject and pedagogical content knowledge of pre-service mathematics teachers
Marijana Gorjanac Ranitović, Nenad Vulović and Bojan Lazić, History of graphical representation of data
Marijana Zeljić and Milana Dabić Boričić, Integrating Geometry and Algebra as a Way of Reification of Mathematical
Mirko Dejić, Mathematics, its history and teaching
Olivera Đokić, Mila Jelić and Svetlana Ilić, THE Relationship between Images and Concepts in the Initial Geometry Teaching
Sandra Kadum, Tangram
Valentina Gogovska, A historical timeline for the role of mathematical tasks…
Veselin Mićanović, Contents of the history of mathematics in initial mathematics teaching in Montenegro