Fakultet pedagoških nauka

FAKULTET PEDAGOŠKIH NAUKA UNIVERZITETA U KRAGUJEVCU, JAGODINA Milana Mijalkovića 14, 35000 Jagodina, Tel/Faks: +381 (0)35 8223-805, Tel: +381 (0)35 8222-262


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Suzana M. Đorđević

DOI: 10.46793/pctja.19.447Dj
UDK: 373.211.24:[371.13:004


The aim of this study is to investigate factors correlated with the development of ICT competencies of future preschool teachers. There are a lot of factors that can be in correlation with the level of ICT competencies of preschool teachers and their intentions to use ICT in education. Based on different research, we extracted some of these factors, such as perceived usefulness, subjective norm, perceived ease of use, self-efficacy, and attitudes towards computer use. Data were collected from 48 students from the Faculty of Education in Jagodina, using a survey questionnaire during the school year of 2018/2019, from which 15 students were master pre-service preschool teachers (5th year), and others were in the first year of study. Results indicated that there was a significant correlation between the mentioned factors. Also, from the results, the master preschool teacher level of ICT competencies are higher than bachelor preschool teachers’ level of ICT competencies, although not significantly. On the other hand, master students’ intentions to use ICT in education, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, self-efficacy, and attitudes towards computer use were on a significantly higher level, compared with bachelor students. The results of the research can be useful in the development of curriculum at the faculties for future preschool teachers. Improving preschool teachers ICT competencies could be achieved with new elective ICT courses for preschool teacher students, practice in preschool institutions and personal professional development.

Keywords: ICT competencies, preschool teacher, preschool teachers’ education, preschool teachers’ competences.


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