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Nebojša M. Denić
Jelena D. Rajović
Jelena N. Stojanović

DOI: 10.46793/pctja.19.429D
UDK: 004.738.5:364.632-053.6


Aggressive violent behavior today, especially peer and online violence, is a common phenomenon in educational institutions. Based on a review of the most relevant literature and research, information and digital literacy, phenomenon and occurrence of online violence as a specific form and type of violence are presented in this paper. The fundamental goal of this research was to provide outcomes on how to raise awareness and levels of knowledge and competencies of educators and children on how virtual reality can affect them and to which extent they can engage in the digital world, provided it is safe and without consequences. For this purpose, in educational institutions in Kosovo and Metohija research has been conducted in order to identify the impact of teachers’ information and digital literacy in the function of preventing online violence. The results of this study will elaborate the following: information and digital literacy of teachers as well as the teachers’ insight into the activities of students; teachers’ control and the identification of the causes of online violence; and ultimately, to provide answers on how students can be protected from online violence.

Keywords: the Internet, violence, teachers, students.


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