Fakultet pedagoških nauka

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Zoran B. Stanković
Jelena S. Osmanović

DOI: 10.46793/pctja.19.416S
UDK: 371.213.3:004


Contemporary achievements of pedagogical science and the advancement of information communication technology (ICT), enable new organizational solutions to be applied in teaching, which makes the teaching process more interesting, dynamic and efficient. Modern society and education require an individual teacher who is able to follow changes in society and science. The main goal of this paper is to consider one of the primary question: What teacher competencies are needed and at at what level of application should they be for the modernization of teaching? The empirical part of the paper represents which didactic multimedia teachers use the most in teaching, and what teachers attitudes are towards ability to use educational software in teaching. This study used a descriptive method, and scaling technique with a Likert type assessment scale instrument. The survey involved 209 elementary and secondary school teachers in the region of Nis. In concluding observations, it is noted that classic classrooms are slowly turning towards the use of multimedia, but the current application of educational software is still not satisfactory. Also, the authors draw attention to the need for a wider and more intensive range of professional teacher training courses, primarily in the didactic-methodology field, as well as the field of modern education technology, because this is certainly one of the best ways to meet the necessity of reform of our education and the ever-increasing challenges of modern education for the 21st century.

Keywords: teacher competences, didactic innovation, ICT, educational technology, educational computer software (ECS).


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