Fakultet pedagoških nauka

FAKULTET PEDAGOŠKIH NAUKA UNIVERZITETA U KRAGUJEVCU, JAGODINA Milana Mijalkovića 14, 35000 Jagodina, Tel/Faks: +381 (0)35 8223-805, Tel: +381 (0)35 8222-262


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Irena B. Golubović-Ilić
Slađana S. Stanković

DOI: 10.46793/pctja.19.37GI
UDK: 371.212.7/.72:37.014


The basic idea behind all educational reforms in Serbia in the past was based on a tendency to be compatible with the European educational system or to somehow come closer to it. These reforms were mostly only partial, focused on corrections and changes in the direction of improving certain segments of the educational system (plans, programs, textbooks, and extension of education) so that the expected results were not in fact achieved. Taking into account that the teacher is a key player in an educational reform process (because he/she educates those who will educate future generations), the education policy makers in 2012 formed a Strategy for the Development of Education in Serbia until 2020, which included, besides other things, measures, proposals and solutions to improve teacher education. The aim of the paper was to use the comparative and theoretical analysis method in order to determine whether there is discrepancy or cohesion between the competences expected of teachers in the 21st century and those that future teachers acquire at the Faculty of Education in Jagodina, University of Kragujevac. By comparing the study programs of the final years of basic academic studies of students − future class teachers and the Regulations and standards of competencies for the teacher profession (primarily class teachers), we have come to the conclusion that the elements that were the subject of our analysis are not sufficiently coherent, mutually unrelated and incompatible. On the basis of the results of our research, we propose that a reform of the study programs of compulsory subjects (primarily the teaching methodologies) should be carried out during the next accreditation period. The research will outline some amendments that could be introduced and will enable future teachers to attain the highest standards of competencies and, in all teaching areas, better qualify for their profession.

Keywords: competencies for the profession of teachers, students ‒ future teachers, study programs.


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