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Ivana R. Ćirković-Miladinović

DOI: 10.46793/pctja.19.306CM
UDK: 371.136:371.26(430) 


The paper aims to research how secondary school (German: Oberstufe) students perceive the quality of English teachers’ competencies in terms of their effect on students’ learning. Four major categories of teacher competencies (prescribed by the Ministry of Schleswig Holstein) were examined to discover the quality of teachers’ competencies as perceived by teachers on the one hand, and the effect of these competencies on students’ overall English language knowledge on the other. The ratings of teacher and student perceptions were quantitatively gathered in a survey using a five point Likert scale. Students’ responses were qualitatively collated and analysed as well. The findings show that more than half of the participating English teachers have negative opinion about the contribution of the related competencies to their professional identity and overall students´ knowledge, which was confirmed by the group of examined students. However, teacher training programs could benefit from the practical experiences of teachers and their suggestions while making adaptations in teacher training both at pre-service and in-service level.

Keywords: teacher competencies, students’ knowledge, English as a foreign language, upper grades of secondary school (German: Oberstufe).


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