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Aleksandra K. Anđelković
Milena M. Stojanović Stošić
Dragana V. Stanković

DOI: 10.46793/pctja.19.187A
UDK: 371.212.7:37.036/.037


Fostering entrepreneurship as a competence leads to divergence from the traditional education paradigms and the teachers and students focus on new, contemporary educational concepts. Teaching staff and students are seen as motivated, decisive, innovative and creative individuals, willing to contribute to a higher quality of everyday life whereby entrepreneurial skills are fostered and integrated in all segments of life. Creativity is regarded as one of the crucial skills related to the entrepreneurial spirit. A creative attitude towards life entails an individual (or society) who is conscious, nonconformist, independent and capable of critical thinking, ready to take risks in order to implement their ideas. Therefore, the aim of this paper is primarily to indicate the importance of stimulating creativity in children from an early age, and then to consider ways of fostering and cultivating creativity in both students and teachers as a prerequisite for the development of entrepreneurial skills. For the purpose of this paper, we analyzed the Arts Education and Serbian Language Curricula for primary schools and considered the compatibility of the teaching topics with the development of entrepreneurial competencies. Practical implications of integrating entrepreneurial skills into Arts Education and Serbian Language Curricula will be represented in the paper.

Keywords: creativity, entrepreneurship in education, entrepreneurial competencies, arts education, Serbian language.


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