Fakultet pedagoških nauka

FAKULTET PEDAGOŠKIH NAUKA UNIVERZITETA U KRAGUJEVCU, JAGODINA Milana Mijalkovića 14, 35000 Jagodina, Tel/Faks: +381 (0)35 8223-805, Tel: +381 (0)35 8222-262


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Sandra Kadum
Mirjana Radetić-Paić
Ana Stanisavljević

DOI: 10.46793/pctja.19.130K
UDK: 371.621.5:373.3.091


Teaching is an educational process which sets aims and tasks. Education processes have several factors which can contribute to the success of education: teachers who are leading figures in classrooms and in the teaching process, students for whom the training is intended, curriculum content which is transmitted to students, and general conditions in the classes, including seat ranking and ambient factors, classroom equipment and so on. To be a successful teacher, despite these factors, teaching requires a favourable classroom’s ambience. This research aims to determine the attitudes and opinions of elementary school teachers and high school teachers (N=357) towards the influence of the classroom’s ambience during the teaching process. According to the survey results, participants believe that a positive or negative classroom

atmosphere affects the quality of the teaching process, it affects the teacher and his or her quality of teaching, behaviour and mood, as well as the pupils and their responses, and it can influence the quality of their results. Furthermore, we can assume that elementary school teachers and high school teachers use different methods to improve the positive ambience in their classrooms, they respect other teachers’ suggestions, and all of this helps to create a motivating atmosphere for pupils’ progress.

Keywords: classroom ambience, influence, students, teachers, teaching process


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