Fakultet pedagoških nauka

FAKULTET PEDAGOŠKIH NAUKA UNIVERZITETA U KRAGUJEVCU, JAGODINA Milana Mijalkovića 14, 35000 Jagodina, Tel/Faks: +381 (0)35 8223-805, Tel: +381 (0)35 8222-262

Expression of Interest at the University of Vienna

Poštovani istraživači,

Univerzitet u Beču poziva međunarodne post doktorske istraživače zainteresovane da se prijave na poziv Evropske komisije za pojedinačne stipendije Marija Sklodovska Kiri i sprovedu istraživački projekat u nekoj od ponuđenih oblasti.

U nastavku se nalaze sve ostale informacije među kojima je i link poziva.

Dear all,

 For the current MSCA-IF call, the University of Vienna is taking a proactive approach to attract more applications.

 Fellows interested in applying for a MSCA-IF at the University of Vienna will submit an Expression of Interest (EoI), outlining their project idea and identifying a supervisor ( https://forschungsservice.univie.ac.at/foerderung/msca-if/)  from the University. EoIs will be administered by the Research Service Office.

Supervisors will select their top candidate with whom DLE will then work intensively to prepare an application.

 Further information can be found on:
