Факултет педагошких наука

ФАКУЛТЕТ ПЕДАГОШКИХ НАУКА УНИВЕРЗИТЕТА У КРАГУЈЕВЦУ, ЈАГОДИНА Милана Мијалковића 14, 35000 Јагодина, Тел/Факс: +381 (0)35 8223-805, Тел: +381 (0)35 8222-262

Предавање на тему „How does education kill creativity“ Проф. др Марие Бајнер (Mária Baјner)

Факултет педагошких наука у Јагодини Универзитета у Крагујевцу у оквиру Еразмус+ програма организује предавање на тему: How does education kill creativity

Мариа Бајнер (Mária Baјner) је ванредни професор на Универзитету у Печују, Мађарска. Једно од тежишта њеног академског рада су проучавања комуникацијских вештина на енглеском језику за одрасле.

Амфитеатар Факултета педагошких наука у Јагодини
Уторак, 29.10.2019. године у 18 часова.

Mária Bajner is Associate Professor at the University of Pécs, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Pedagogy and Rural Development, Hungary. She is involved in the Human Resorces Management MA programme to foreign students and gives lectures on PR, media and communication studies. She has a PhD in arts and humanities and a postgraduate degree in EU management. Her recent academic interest turned to researching the Millennial generation with special attention to the changing needs of the labour market players. She has close connection to the business sphere teaching communication skills in English to adults. Her empirical findings that bring into focus the synergy between higher education goals and adult education demands have been worded at international conferences (ESREA, MellearN) She has published and co-authored several articles and reviews in this field, and presented her conclusions at several universities at home and abroad.