Факултет педагошких наука

ФАКУЛТЕТ ПЕДАГОШКИХ НАУКА УНИВЕРЗИТЕТА У КРАГУЈЕВЦУ, ЈАГОДИНА Милана Мијалковића 14, 35000 Јагодина, Тел/Факс: +381 (0)35 8223-805, Тел: +381 (0)35 8222-262

The goals of the study programme

The general objective of the M.A. International Teacher Education Program is to provide students a multitude of opportunities for students to develop the competencies needed to perform a teaching job independently in an international setting. The current knowledge, skills, and capabilities of students should be further developed and deepened through the compulsory segments of pedagogical, psychological, and methodological education and teacher training so that their competencies can be boosted to an advanced level.

The specific objectives of the program:

  • to present the current pedagogical, psychological, and methodological stock of knowledge to our students, to assist them in fully comprehending the content, to instruct them on how to use it efficiently in practice, and to cultivate the skills needed for making a critical evaluation and judgment on the applicability of their newly-gained theoretical knowledge on teaching in teaching practice;
  • to build up proficiency in planning educational work and taking leadership roles while concurrently taking into consideration the individual and group differences between their students, the specific nature of their subject, the special demands of their curriculum, the contextual variables of the school they are employed at and the wider community, the general goals of the contemporary education, and the values of the modern civilization;
  • to equip students with the skills needed for constructive communication, teamwork, and mutual support in their interactions with students, parents, co-workers, and local community, when they are required to exhibit deep awareness, sensitivity, and respect for cultural, linguistic, and other specific characteristics of individuals and groups;
  • to cultivate teachers who will be capable of responding appropriately to students’ reactions and the contextual changes;
  • to develop sensitivity for predicting and/or recognizing problems, understanding them, and implementing adequate problem-solving strategies;
  • to enable teachers to master contemporary, innovative teaching methods and to reach exceptional proficiency in implementing them;
  • to provide diverse opportunities for teachers to attain skills needed for independent research, evaluations, and assessments of educational activities, as well as those needed for critical thinking, self-evaluation, self-improvement, and the improvement of the school operations;
  • to supply teachers with deeper insights into professional identities and teacher roles; and

to incite and foster alacrity for lifelong learning and continual improvement of one’s skills.