Fakultet pedagoških nauka

FAKULTET PEDAGOŠKIH NAUKA UNIVERZITETA U KRAGUJEVCU, JAGODINA Milana Mijalkovića 14, 35000 Jagodina, Tel/Faks: +381 (0)35 8223-805, Tel: +381 (0)35 8222-262

Incoming students

Exchange students interested to come to the Faculty of Education in Jagodina, University of Kragujevac, should follow the application procedure of respective mobility program or visit the international office at their home university to check mobility or internship possibilities with Serbia.


For practical information regarding visa, travel, insurance and accommodation, please check  our
Guide for International Students

or visit the section Services and support.

For information on academic offer at the Faculty of Education in Jagodina check our Course catalogue https://pefja.kg.ac.rs/?page_id=2062

If you have any question, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Contact persons:

Marija Stanojević Veselinović,
Erasmus plus coordinator
E-mail: majastanojevic2@gmail.com

Ilija Petrović,
Student mobility officer
E-mail: ilija.petrovic@pefja.kg.ac.rs


Faculty of Education in Jagodina
University of Kragujevac,
Milana Mijalkovica 14, 35000 Jagodina, Serbia

Phone: +381 (0)35 223805
Fax: +381 (0)35 223805


Foreign students at the Faculty of Education in Jagodina.